CyberArticle saves all data related to articles in books.  You can create mutiple books in order to store different data.  
In CyberArticle, click "Main Menu->File->New Book" successively and a dialog for creating a book will be displayed.

Types of books

There are two types of books, local book and remote book respectively.

Local book (Save your book in local disk): These books are saved on user's computer disk and are only provided to the user for use.
Remote book (Save your book on remote server): BThese books are saved on a server, which is usually a database server, such as SQL Server.  User's computer can be connected to the server through intranet or internet.  The server can support muti-users connection so as to realize that a number of users operate/share one book synchronously. 

The name and class of book

Either a remote book or a local book needs to be set a name and a class.  The name and the class of the book will be shown in the book view.

Book file name and book database system

For a local book, you need to set a book file name and a database system.
File name: Local book(s) is one or more disk files.  You need to set a book file name.  The file name extension of a book in CyberArticle is *.xbook.  Usually, we suggest you saving your book outside system disk (normally C:) in order to prevent losting data when reinstalling windows system.
Database System: Local books in cyberArticle are also stored in a database.  Correspondingly, book file is also a database file.  There are two types of databases for a local book to select: Access and SQL Server Express.
The differences between the two types of the databases are depicted in the following table.
SQL Server Express
Whether a drive program need to be installed separately or not
No. OS has Access database drive program.
Yes. SQL Server Express database need to be downloaded from microsoft website and installed (free).
File size on disk
Memory use
Fast for small file, Slow for large file
Search Speed
Vista Supporting
Support, but need administrator's right while creating books.
Book files
Single file,*.xbook
Three files
  1. *.xbook: Identify of book file
  2. *.mdf: Database file.  All data in this book
  3. *_log.LDF: Database log file
You can choose one of the above databases according to your requirement.  For a personal user, if your requirement is not high, we suggest you using Access database.

Database Information

with respect to remote book, you need to set database information.
Database type: SQL Server, MySql and Dameng System
Server name: Database server's IP or computer's name.
Logon to the server: Use Windows Authentication (it is not required to enter user name/password in order to visit database) or specify the account.
Database initialization: Whether to initialize the database or not.
  • Create database & tabels: CyberArticle will create database and tables
  • Create tables only: Only create tables (the specified database exists.)
  • Don't intilize database: Database and tables exists.
Database name: the name of database for storing data