CyberArticle can integrate all saved webpages, imported articles and so on into a tree including folders and articles.
Folders are used to group articles while articles are saved in folders.
A folder can comprise areticles or sub-folders whereas an article can not include folders or aticles.

Manage folders and articles

Folders and articles can be managed both in "Folders window" and "Nodes window".
Folders window
Nodes window
Select a folder or an article
  • With respect to "Folders windows", you can select a folder or an article directly by mouse, or select mutiple folders or articles in the same level by mouse in combination with Shift or Ctrl.
  • With respect to "Nodes windows", you can select a folder or article directly by mouse, or select multiple folders or articles by mouse in combination with Shift or Ctrl.
Manage folders/articles
Right click on the selected folder(s)/article(s).  In the context menu, select the related menu item so as to perform the corresponding function.
Move/Copy folder(s)/article(s)(Muti-selection of folders/articles is allowable.)
Move/Copy operations can be performed by means of any of the following methods:  
  • Right click on the selected folder(s)/article(s) and then select either "Copy" or "Cut".  Then, select an target folder, right click on the folder and select "Paste".  Thus, the selected folder(s)/article(s) will be copied or moved to the target folder.  
  • Right click on the selected folder(s)/article(s) and then select "Advanced->Move/Copy node". Then, in the pop-up dialog, select a target book and a folder, perform "Move" or "Copy node" and then click "OK".  The selected folder(s)/article(s) will thus be copied or moved to the target folder.
  • The selected folder(s)/article(s) will be moved to the target folder though drag-and-drop.
It is allowable to move or copy folder(s)/article(s) in the same book as well as in different books.
Delete folder(s)/article(s) (Muti-selection of folders/articles is allowable)
Right click on the selected folder/article and select "Delete".  The selected folder/article will then be moved into the Recycle bin.  In case that the folder/article has been in the Recycle bin, it will be removed.
Rename a folder/an article
Right click on the selected folder/article and select "Rename".  The seleted folder/article will be in an editable state. After the title is edited, press "Enter" and then the article will be renamed.
Set the text Color/background color of nodes
Right click on the selected folder(s)/article(s) and select "Text Color" or "Background Color" so as to set the text color or the background color for folder(s)/article(s) nodes. Select "Clear" to clear the text color or the background color in order to restore the default settings of OS. 
Mark as read/unread (Muti-selection of folders/articles is allowable)
Right click on the selected folder/article and select "Mark as Read" or "Mark as Unread" to mark the selected folder/article as read or unread.
The properties of folder/article (Muti-selection of folders/articles is allowable)
Right click on the selected folder/article and select "Properties".  Then a property dialog will be pop-up.
Different folders/articles will have different properties.
Single folder
Title, date created, size, number of sub folders/articles
Single article
Title, original URL, keywords, label, created time, modified time, accessed time, position, size, file type, owner, author
Muti-selected folders/articles
Size, number of folders/articles included
Book nodes
Name, class, created time, database type, number of folders/articles included, size, file name, file size
Other functions